Hi there my peeps!
I hope everyone had a wonderful week. Our week was busy (as usual) and our jobs our going great! This has been my 3rd week (I think) working full time and it's been nice. It's not my dream job by any means, but it's been great to know that I'm helping out and making a big difference there.
Anyway, so we've had a few complications with ordering our iphones. When we first ordered, we were told they were on back order and that they would take a little while to ship. A week later...MY phone came in the mail (and it's beautiful....so sleek and sexy and perfect and iphony). Rich's was going to take another week.
There she be. My pretty iphone SE (which if you don't know what that is...it came out after the iphone 5, but before the iphone 6s...I think). I've left it in the box and put the box out of site because I don't want to mess with it or play with it until Rich gets his phone (blech...which won't be here until the 1st or 2nd week in June). So I've hidden it away from myself so that I'm not temped to turn it on or mess with it really. I DID decided on a phone case and that, as well as the tempered glass I ordered to go over the screen (I don't want my baby to bust) and those will come this week. I got a pressed flower case from Etsy which I'm SO excited to get in the mail (pictures to come surely).
I know I said Rich is getting a silver iphone, but he's actually going to get a space grey one, which takes even LONGER to ship....so....now. we. wait.
We actually went to a Sprint store here in Wilton to ask some questions about the phone we were waiting on. We were totally BLOWN AWAY by the lack of customer service offered at the Wilton location (the reason why I point out that location is because we'd talked to a few others...Westport/Ridgefield over the phone who were much nicer).
So the Wilton Sprint store is inside of a Radioshack. When we walked in the Radioshack employee was very nice (a young, nerdy kinda guy...nerdy...but friendly) and directed us to the Sprint sales associate. Let me tell you...oh she must have been having a BAD DAY....!
She was on the phone when we first walked in and we had to wait for her to get off to help us.
When we asked our questions she said "We don't do that here". So...we informed her that we'd been told to come into a store to do what we were asking about - she just got crankier.
When we asked about the iphone SE she said "We don't have that here."
She said "we don't do that here" about 3-4 more times before calling her associate who had already left work for the day. When she got on the phone with him, she kept saying things like "I wish you had walked in when John (or whatever his name was) was here". She kept referring to me as "the lady" (and mind you, she said it with a WHOLE TON of sass) and didn't bother to get my name, or Rich's. She just really seemed to have no clue what she was doing and was asking her co-worker how to do everything and was about to make a second account for us. She was very unhelpful and seemed beyond annoyed that we would bother her with a customer need. We left after about 15 minutes (before she messed something up on our Sprint account), I just told her we'd come back at a later time, to which she was more than happy to oblige (aka...she was more than happy to not have to deal with us).
When we got in the car we were like....WHOA. What just happened? We both agreed on how unhelpful, clueless and annoyed she was and seriously considered writing a painfully honest google review but then decided against it because who knows....maybe she was having a bad day...? But STILL. The ONLY reason I would even consider writing a review or complaining about her is because, while I haven't been in her EXACT shoes...I have been in shoes her size. I've DEFINITELY had my fair share of working several jobs where customer service is KEY. I had plenty of bad days at work...but you've just GOT to put a smile on your face and take care of business...even if you feel like garbage!
We actually had another poor customer service experience at our local Stop N Shop. A totally different situation...but the same principle. Ok...done venting!! Actually...I'm not. If you can't take the negativity skip the next 3 paragraphs.
For those who are wondering what our apartment building looks like.....please see below.
The three windows right underneath the STAR sticker are the windows of our living room. The two windows under the heart are the windows of our bedroom. And the TINY little window that is under the stiletto shoe is our bathroom window, which we leave open almost always to create ventilation from when we shower. There is an apartment above ours that has a different layout...but no one lives there currently. And we obviously have an evil downstairs neighbor.
He complained to the management about us :( After the first incident when he CALLED THE DANG COPS ON US, we talked to him and just asked us to knock on the ceiling with a broom or something if we're ever being too loud. So earlier this week....maybe Tuesday or Wednesday we heard a BANG BANG BANG! It was pretty loud and it actually scared Bilbo a little bit (and me) and then we checked to makes sure we weren't making any noise. We realized that Bilbo had dropped is puppy kong (which is small and rubber) few times and was quietly playing with it to himself. HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN THAT LOUD????
So the next morning, Rich got a voicemail from someone from management saying that "he'd like to talk to us about something". Immediately we knew it was the man downstairs (Satan...obviously...I mean Robert). When we got back in touch with them later that day, Rich explained that we have tried VERY hard to be VERY considerate...we've gotten rid of most of Bilbo's toys so as to not make much noise, we have several rugs, we play with the dog outside...etc. He had complained that we were "playing fetch with him in the middle of the night" which was a total lie! Bilbo goes to bed at about 10 even if Rich and I are still awake. We just really didn't expect him to go tattle on us, when we thought we'd agreed that if we were being loud and bothering him that he'd tap with the broom. And that was the FIRST time we'd heard him knock since the cop incident. We didn't get in trouble or anything, probably (hopefully) because management understands that he's being a little ridiculous. Even Lynn...our next door neighbor warned us about him. So he must hear everything. Even though he's old. SHEESH!! Ok...NOW I'm done venting.
Speaking of Bilbo....he's quite the little crazy. We were playing fetch at Cranbury park on Thursday (a very usual, weekly activity) when suddenly, as he was fetching the ball and about to retrieve it he started limping and wouldn't put weight on his back right foot! He hobbled back to Rich and I and collapsed. We rolled him onto his back to try to examine his foot and he BIT both of us!! Not in a vicious way really...but in a "I'm in a lot of pain and I don't know if I want you to touch me" kind of way.
We took him home and noticed that there was a small cut/puncture wound on the top of his paw. He's had injuries on his foot pads before...which just heal on their own pretty quickly. But this was different and it was bleeding a little bit. Rich did a little examining of it with tweezers and q-tips. We tried figuring out what it was...but didn't really have any clue or any clue of how it got there! He was just playing...like he always does...
Anyway, I called up Paige to get her thoughts. For those of you who don't know, Paige, my sister, has worked in a veterinary clinic for about 10 years. She's seen just about everything when it comes to treating animals medically. She told us to let him rest overnight and then see how he's doing in the morning.
On Thursday night, he was in a lot of pain, was anxious and just wouldn't calm down. We thought he would after a few hours but it just seemed to get worse. He would go to the bathroom either - which was probably a sign that he was pretty stressed out. So we gave him a half tablet of one of the pills we had him take on the trip out here (we've been saving the 2 leftovers we have for such occasions) and that seemed to do the trick. It took the edge off and he was able to relax and fall asleep.
In the morning he was still limping heavily (though in happier spirits...he wagged his tail a few times and seemed almost like he wanted to play) and we knew we'd need to take him to the vet. So we took him to the vet. I was only able to be with him for a few minutes after getting there. I went to Rye, NY with Warren for work to do interviews. Rich was updating me on the drive.
The doctor examined his paw and said that the puncture was very deep and just kept going. They took an x-ray to see if he had any broken bones. We heard back yesterday from the vet that none of the bones were broken, but there is a suspicious area of his paw that looks as though it may have a foreign body in it - which is what she had originally suspected.
You can see where they shaved his foot a little bit. The prescribed pain medications as well as antibiotics to help with healing and swelling. The doctor was concerned that he MAY even need surgery to get the foreign body out. Hopefully his body will just "push out" the foreign body naturally. We are assisting him by soaking his foot in Epsom salt water every morning and night.
The vet says - no rough housing or walks for 3 WHOLE WEEKS!! It's been 3 days and he's already starting to go a little stir crazy. The painkillers work wonders and when he's not in pain he wants to go outside and play! It's pretty sad because he gets to romp in the fields every day normally...and he's probably going to the thinking....WHY?? over the next few weeks while going slightly crazy. We bought him some special treats and surprises that will help confirm the fact that we still love him.
We are hoping hoping hoping that he won't need surgery!! The visit to the vet was a wake up call for how expensive pet expenses can be, especially in this area, so we promptly invested in pet insurance. If he DOES need surgery...we'll be insured so the blow will be slightly cushioned.
Before I forget, here's a picture of my Boston Tea.
It's tiny and cute and I love herbal tea! I haven't tried it yet, but it's been sitting on our coffee table since last weekend taunting me! Someday soon I'll sip it.
This week I also re-discovered a tasty little memory from the days of being a teenager in Spanish Fork.
CUP-NOODLES!!! This was one of my FAVORITE lunches when I was younger. I bought a couple last time we went grocery shopping and thoroughly enjoyed eating them for lunch. I think the last time I had a cup of noodles it was in high school. I think I got sick of them during college, but my love for them has been rekindled!!
Today, Sunday, was actually quite magical (you'll see why). We were able to stay for all three hours of church (which sometimes doesn't happen due to the fact of being overly sleepy from Saturday NYC adventures) and so that was a tender mercy. In relief society we went over Elder Holland's talk from this past April GC called - Tomorrow the Lord Will do Wonders Among You. The sister who taught it was SO passionate about it and saw that talk as such a blessing! She said that sometimes it is SO HARD to go back into the week after having such a relaxing and wonderful Sabbath day...but Elder Holland reminds us that when we come to church (or listen to Conference) we take a piece of what we hear/learn with us - and it makes our burdens lighter! One of my favorite quotes from that talk is "Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever" That's one I'll keep in mind throughout the week as I'm working to improve at CNT!
After church we had some very lovely Sunday naps...they're the best naps. Their so rejuvenating. Mm MM! We'd been invited to dinner at a cute young couples house for dinner, so at 5:30 we went and did that.
Turns out this couple is quite special.
They told us that they.......
.........are buying..........
.....a house.......
...................in New Canaan..................
......PROPERTY BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ncase you don't know what that is/who they are...please....link it up below)
How stinking cool is that!?!?!? Dinner was going very normally for a while when they mentioned something about a house and I asked, "Oh are you guys buying a house?"
Then the dropped the Property Brothers bomb. They explained that they've been filming this past week and that their daughters will be featured this next week. And they have the CUTEST little girls! They have a 4 year old and then 2 year old identical twins that are just so sweet and soooo adorable!! They have such sneaky little grins! I've had the wonderful pleasure of babysitting for them a few times and have gotten to know their sweet baby girls. They're expecting a boy in July - right around the time when they move into their new house!
So that was a unique, not-you-average-dinner-conversation kind of night!
Also, Liz started a VERY successful blog back in 2012. She told us she felt prompted to write it and now it's a huge success - some of you have maybe even heard of it or even read it! Check it out!
After dinner we took Bilbo outside for a small walk...( I know the doc said no walks...but....a dog can only take so much....- we figure as long as he's not sprinting around like a maniac....it's probably ok to take him for a leisurely stroll). We went to the town green and were pleasantly surprised by this.
Look closely. It's a little hard to tell, but its a guy playing wonderfully on the accordion! He was jammin' out with some beautiful and calming tunes. It reminded me of being in Europe...in Paris at night when everyone would come out and dance with each other along the Sienne river. It was truly romantic.
And with this video, I end my blog. Happy almost last week of May friends! And happy last week of school to my teacher friends in UTAH!!!! My first graders are 2nd graders after this week!! Anyway...enjoy the serenade of our accordion playing friend.
So sorry about Bilbo's injury. Hopefully no surgery.